We can change the world in monumental ways, with leaders’ strong visions and execution of what many deem to be impossible. As a forward-thinking international business professional with an unwavering vision and passion for the space industry. Mr. Schiel brings to a young industry his business development experience from tier one automotive manufacturing.
He currently sits as Vice-Chairman of CONFERS, a DARPA funded consortium establishing best practices for satellite servicing. Mr. Schiel previously worked on new business development at Deep Space Industries and Brand Delta-V. As an advocate for the Space Frontier Foundation, and as former Program Director of the Center for Space Commerce and Finance, Mr. Schiel is working to push the boundaries of the final frontier and contribute to the growth of the industry.
Jeremy holds a dual degree in International Business (IB) and Management from Eastern Michigan University. He also founded the International Business Alumni Chapter connecting Eastern IB alumni together from across the globe